International Shipping to Kuwait
I request the services of a company that is experienced with international shipping to Kuwait. Please email me if this is your company's experience. Also include your pricing, time to delivery, tracking ability, and how you will deliver my package to Kuwait City, Kuwait, within the next two weeks. Although I am not in a rush for this package to be delivered, I would still like for it to be delivered in a timely fashion. When can you promise delivery of this package? What are your procedures for when a package is damaged while it is your company's care? Do you make good on the damaged package? When could you arrive at my home to collect the package? I can have it prepared for shipment by the end of the day if you can be here that quickly. If you would also be so kind as to send your company's contact information with your email, that would be helpful as I would also like the opportunity to speak with you directly about this shipment. Thanks.