I bought musical instruments to be used in our church in harare- zimbabwe. They were delivered to a house in Garland Texas and i need them to be shipped to Harare. I have been advised that all the items fit into a crate of the following dimensions: 48x48x48 inches and the weight is 85kgs The items are as follows: (a) 1 Drum set which weighs a 27,3kgs (60 pounds) The dimensions are not stated, but what i know is they will be in a box of approximately 60cmx60cmx60cm. Please see link for picture http://www.amazon.com/5-Piece-Complete-Cymbals-Stands-Sticks/dp/B00309XFEG/r ef=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1333121637&sr=8-8